FREE Hosting of a Wordpress site !!

How to create free WordPress blog

As we all want to have our own website someday and to achieve this we search for hosting servers to publish our contents. Since we are naive user or in the learning phase where we are doing things for the first time, we don't really like to spend money on that where we don't have an expertise.

If you search on Google ,you will find plenty of free hosting servers , blogging sites where you can publish / host your contents. To start with you can choose WordPress , Bloggers etc one of the most popular hosting and blogging site where you can publish your content for free but it has its own limitations like you can't do more customization or can’t install plugins which you want Or if they are providing for free, they will ask for credit card information which you are reluctant to give most of the times.
Let’s take an example of WordPress(for free version) - where you can’t install custom plugins, also you can’t monetize your site. Since WordPress is good hosting site if you are looking for blogging and monetization.
To get full fledge control of WordPress where you can do your experiments, monetize your contents or to get a glance of customization, you have to PAY few dollars monthly or yearly.

So, what if you get full control of WordPress by hosting it on your hosting server for FREE to get your hands dirty with your experiment, don’t you think it’s exciting. Yes it is.
Let’s proceed step by step on

How to host a Wordpress on hosting server:

You can watch a Youtube video OR follow the step by step procedure below

1. Go to 000webhost website  which is powered by Hostinger.
2. Click on SignUp for free .
Web hosting

3. Enter valid details as shown in below screenshot and click on Get Free hosting button.

Get Free hosting

4. Click on “It’s ok, I want to learn” and proceed.

5. Open your email to confirm your email address for registration.

6. Now, login again or refresh the previous logged-In page.

7. Click on Build website option.

8. Scroll down you will see “Build Wordpress Website”, click on “Install Now “.
Wordpress free hosting

9. Provide valid username, password for accessing WordPress Admin page and Click on Install.
Wordpress Admin Login Page

10. Wait till the progress bar completes everything.

11. Click on “Go to Configuration page” – this will re-directs to Wordpress admin page.

12. Login to Wordpress admin page https://<replace_with_your_sitename> with username /password provided in Step 9.  
Wordpress Admin Page URL

13. To view your website – hit URL - https://<replace_with_your_sitename>

14. That’s ALL, you can do whatever you want to do from Admin panel like customization – theme you want to have, plugin you want to install etc.\
WordPress Admin Panel

15. WoooHooooo!!! – your WordPress Site is up and running.

As of now 000webhost provides you facility to create 2 website per account for free.

In case you want to delete any of your website, you can follow below steps.
1. Click on Settings-> General.
000webhost signup

2. Scroll down to the end.
3. Click on Delete button under “Delete WebSite” ( Be Careful)

That’s it .

Thank you!!

πŸ””Announcement : Visit the new website/blog πŸ””

πŸ””πŸ””πŸ”” Announcement :  Visit the new website/blog πŸ””πŸ””πŸ”” Dear readers, Thank you for reading my blog. If you could have used the little info...